MoNA Art‘s Permanent Collection
MoNA's Permanent Collection includes over 2,400 artworks from the early 1900s to the present. The Collection speaks of key aspects of the rich artistic history of the Northwest, reflecting the cultural sensibilities and shifts that have informed and continue to inform the experience of living in this region. The importance of ensuring that this Collection remains a living document is significant, as emphasized in the words of the late MoNA Curator Emeritus, Barbara Straker James.
“Like rivers of the Northwest, which are narrow at their source and broad as they sweep down into the valleys, art defies limitation, ignores restraints, moves on in an endless flow redefining itself, absorbing new influences, and facing new challenges. The Museum of Northwest Art reflects this flow.”
— Barbara Straker James, 1997
Image: Jack McLarty, Breakfast at Clearcut, 1975, oil on canvas, 24” x 24”, MoNA Permanent Collection, gift of Manuel Izquierdo Trust