Upcoming: Outside In Gallery

  • Art-a-phobia: We Don’t Know What We’re Doing - MoNA's Teen Art Club

    June 28 - September 28, 2025

    Curated by the 2024-2025 Teen Art Club Members

    For more on this exhibition, please visit this page.

    Creating and sharing art requires vulnerability. There is a leap of faith in the moment between revealing a creation and awaiting the reaction. MoNA’s Teen Art Club presents Art-a-Phobia: We Don’t Know What We’re Doing, an art exhibition created by the club’s youth and curated by the students in the Teen Leads program. Sharing fears, experiments, discoveries and new ideas, this exhibition encourages viewers to see the connections that these young artists are making both within their own art and within the bounds of the club’s creative community.

  • Blue, white and black weaving

    Food Moves: Healing through Food Sovereignty / Camino alimentaria: Curación a través de la soberanía alimentaria

    Curators/Curadores: Morgan Brown (Tsimshian) and Candice Wilson Quatz'tenaut (Lummi Nation)

    For more on this exhibition, please visit this page.

    Food Moves: Healing through Food Sovereignty will feature approximately 25 artists of Coast Salish, Alaskan Native, and/or First Nations. "Since time of creation, Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest have chosen a way of life grounded in moving with the rhythms and migrations of the land and waterways. Our understanding of time and place is embedded in the kinship ecosystems that bind us together with moon and tide, salmon and seaweed, wind and stars, berries and elk. Traditional Ecological Knowledge continues to pump through our veins and flow in our rivers. This is our true nature.”

The Outside In Gallery is MoNA’s Education Gallery, which is dedicated to amplifying the voices of our community. If you are involved with a local organization or group and are interested in co-curating an exhibition in the Outside In Gallery, please contact us at education@museumofnwart.org. Visit the Outside In Gallery Archives to view other past exhibitions or visit our Upcoming Exhibitions page to see what’s coming up.

Outside In Gallery es la galería educativa de MoNA, que se dedica a amplificar las voces de nuestra comunidad. Si participa en una organización o grupo local y está interesado en organizar una exposición en Outside In Gallery, escribanos a education@museumofnwart.org. Visite las páginas Outside In Gallery Archives para ver las exposiciones pasadas o Upcoming Exhibitions page para ver las exposiciones que están por venir.

The Outside In Gallery is made possible through generous grants from our supporters.